Health and Fitness

Walking Tips for Good Posture

Tips for Walking Efficiently

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Although I enjoy the view while walking, at times I find my head tilted down watching my steps. Walking with your head down puts stress on your back and neck so being mindful of my posture is important.

Good Posture

Good posture keeps joints and bones in the correct alignment so that muscles are not strained from improper use.  As we walk bones, joints and muscles are being held together by tendons and ligaments.  Stress on ligaments can cause pain.

Proper Body Alignment

To get started, stand with your feet parted, try to align your feet with your hips.  When you take a step forward make sure that your foot lands heal first, then roll forward onto the ball of your foot, use your toes as you lift your opposite foot to take the next step.  If you find yourself walking on the sides of your foot instead of the balls of your foot slow down.  The ball of your foot should land firmly on the ground.

Keep your eyes and head forward looking straight ahead, don’t tilt your chin down toward the ground,  align your head above your shoulders, and straighten your back as you suck in your abdomen, this can reduce neck strain and back pain.  Arms should be naturally by your sides or slightly bent moving back and forth for greater stride. Try not to lean forward or backward while walking.  Proper alignment helps to prevent pain in back, knees, hips and joints.  When you pull a muscle or a ligament it can cause a chain reaction in the rest of your body which may result in injury and restricted movements.

What to Wear

Make sure you are wearing proper shoes and that your laces are tied.  Shoes should fit comfortably and  your feet must be able to flex as you walk, if not, the shoes are too stiff.  Improper fitting shoes can lead to bunions and pain. It’s always best to warm up with a series of stretching techniques then start off walking at your normal pace before you increase your speed.

Walk with Purpose

Be aware of your movements and how your foot connects with the ground with each step.   When carrying bags or packages try not to carry excessive weight on one side of your body.  Good posture can reduce the amount of stress on body parts which can lead to a more effective workout.

And as always, check with your doctor before starting any type of exercise routine.

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